templates/module_filter.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% block javascript %}
  2.     <script src="{{ asset('bundles/atlas/js/filterModule.js') }}"></script>
  3.     <script>
  4.         $(function() {
  5.             runFilterModule('{{ path('heatProtection') }}');
  6.             {% if construction_link is defined and construction_link != '' %}
  7.             $('#breadcrumb').append(' {{ bc_sep()|raw }} <a href="{{ path('heatProtection') }}/{{ construction_link }}" name="breadcrumbLink">{{ construction_name  }}</a>');
  8.             {% endif %}
  9.             {% if type_link is defined and type_link != '' %}
  10.             $('#breadcrumb').append(' {{ bc_sep()|raw }} <a href="{{ path('heatProtection') }}/{{ type_link }}" name="breadcrumbLink">{{ type_name  }}</a>');
  11.             {% endif %}
  12.             {% if element is defined and element['element'].getName() is not empty %}
  13.             $('#breadcrumb').append(' {{ bc_sep()|raw }} <a href="{{ path('heatProtection') }}/{{ element_link }}"'
  14.                     + ' name="breadcrumbLink" id="element">{{ element['element'].getName() }}</a>');
  15.             {% endif %}
  16.             {% if type_names is defined %}
  17.             $('#breadcrumb').append(' {{ bc_sep()|raw }} <a href="{{ path('heatProtection') }}/{{ origin_search|join('/') }}" name="breadcrumbLink" id="search">{{ type_names|join(' | ') }}</a>');
  18.             {% endif %}
  19.         });
  20.     </script>
  21. {% endblock %}
  22. {% block filter %}
  23.   <div id="filter_selection">
  24.     <div>
  25.       <input name="select_by" type="radio" id="select_form" data-filtermodule-show='#filter_form'>
  26.       <label for="select_form">
  27.         <img src="{{ asset('bundles/atlas/images/icn_filter_constructions.png') }}" alt="Auswahl über Konstruktionen" border="0"/>
  28.         Konstruktionen
  29.       </label>
  30.       <input name="select_by" type="radio" checked="checked" id="select_wo_ge" data-filtermodule-show='#filter_wo_ge'>
  31.       <label for="select_wo_ge" class="sm-hide">
  32.         <img src="{{ asset('bundles/atlas/images/icn_filter_wo_ge.png') }}" alt="Auswahl über Wohngebäude" border="0"/>
  33.         Wohngebäude
  34.       </label>
  35.     </div>
  36.   </div>
  37.   <div class="filtermodule-tab" id="filter_form" style="display:none;">
  38.     <div class="wrapper-header">
  39.       <h2 class="filter">Konstruktionen</h2>
  40.       <a class="filter_close" href="#" data-to-close=".wrapper-form">
  41.         <img src="{{ asset('bundles/atlas/images/icn_filter_close.png') }}" alt="Filter ausblenden" width="19"
  42.              height="19"
  43.              border="0"/>
  44.         <img src="{{ asset('bundles/atlas/images/icn_filter_open.png') }}" alt="Filter einblenden" width="19"
  45.              height="19"
  46.              border="0" style="display:none"/>
  47.       </a>
  48.       <div class="clear"></div>
  49.     </div>
  50.     <div class="wrapper-bottom">
  51.       <div class="wrapper-form">
  52.         <form action="{{ path('heatProtection') }}" id="filter_module_form" method="GET">
  53.           <fieldset>
  54.             <select id="construction_search" name="construction_search">
  55.               {% for construction in constructions %}
  56.                 <option value="{{ construction.getId() }}" selected>{{ construction.getName() }}</option>
  57.               {% endfor %}
  58.             </select>
  59.             <label for="wb">Wärmebrücken-Anschluss</label>
  60.             {% for cid, types in typesConstruction %}
  61.               <div class="custom-select">
  62.                 <select id="wb_{{ cid }}" name="wbId">
  63.                   <option value="0">Wärmebrücken-Anschluss auswählen</option>
  64.                   {% for type in types %}
  65.                     <option value="{{ type.getId() }}"
  66.                             {% if wbId is defined and wbId == type.getId() %}selected{% endif %}>{{ type.getName() }}</option>
  67.                   {% endfor %}
  68.                 </select>
  69.               </div>
  70.             {% endfor %}
  71.             <label>Suche</label>
  72.             <input type="text"
  73.                    value=""
  74.                    placeholder="Ihre Suchbegriffe" name="searchTerm" id="searchTerm"/>
  75.             <input class="submit-border" type="submit" value="Filter anwenden"/>
  76.             <div class="clear"></div>
  77.           </fieldset>
  78.         </form>
  79.       </div>
  80.     </div>
  81.   </div>
  82.   <div class="filtermodule-tab sm-hide" id="filter_wo_ge" style="display:none;">
  83.     <div class="wrapper-header">
  84.       <h2 class="filter">Wohngebäude</h2>
  85.       <a class="filter_close" href="#" data-to-close="#wrapper-woge, #filter_wb">
  86.         <img src="{{ asset('bundles/atlas/images/icn_filter_close.png') }}" alt="Filter ausblenden" width="19"
  87.              height="19"
  88.              border="0"/>
  89.         <img src="{{ asset('bundles/atlas/images/icn_filter_open.png') }}" alt="Filter einblenden" width="19"
  90.              height="19"
  91.              border="0" style="display:none"/>
  92.       </a>
  93.       <div class="clear"></div>
  94.     </div>
  95.     <div class="wrapper-bottom">
  96.       <div id="wrapper-woge">
  97.         <object type="image/svg+xml" data="{{ asset('bundles/atlas/images/svg/wohngebaeude_front.svg') }}"
  98.                 id="woge_front_svg" width="580px" height="570px">
  99.           <p>Leider unterstützt Ihr Browser keine SVG-Grafiken. Bitte Installieren Sie eine aktuelle Version.</p>
  100.         </object>
  101.         <object type="image/svg+xml" data="{{ asset('bundles/atlas/images/svg/wohngebaeude_rueckansicht.svg') }}"
  102.                 id="woge_back_svg" width="500px" height="370px"
  103.                 style="display:none;">
  104.           <p>Leider unterstützt Ihr Browser keine SVG-Grafiken. Bitte Installieren Sie eine aktuelle Version.</p>
  105.         </object>
  106.       </div>
  107.     </div>
  108.   </div>
  109.   <div class="filtermodule-tab sm-hide" id="filter_wi_ge" style="display:none;">
  110.     <div class="wrapper-header">
  111.       <h2 class="filter">Wirtschaftsgebäude</h2>
  112.       <a class="filter_close" href="#" data-to-close="#wrapper-wigeb, #filter_wb">
  113.         <img src="{{ asset('bundles/atlas/images/icn_filter_close.png') }}" alt="Filter ausblenden" width="19"
  114.              height="19"
  115.              border="0"/>
  116.         <img src="{{ asset('bundles/atlas/images/icn_filter_open.png') }}" alt="Filter einblenden" width="19"
  117.              height="19"
  118.              border="0" style="display:none"/>
  119.       </a>
  120.       <div class="clear"></div>
  121.     </div>
  122.     <div id="wrapper-wigeb">
  123.       <a href="#" class="toggle_view"><img src="{{ asset('bundles/atlas/images/icn_flip_left.png') }}"
  124.                                            alt="Ansicht drehen" border="0"/></a>
  125.       <object type="image/svg+xml" data="{{ asset('bundles/atlas/images/svg/wirtschaftsgebaeude_front.svg') }}"
  126.               id="wige_front_svg" width="500px" height="370px">
  127.         <!-- fallback image here -->
  128.       </object>
  129.       <object type="image/svg+xml" data="{{ asset('bundles/atlas/images/svg/wirtschaftsgebaeude_rueckansicht.svg') }}"
  130.               id="wige_back_svg" width="500px" height="370px"
  131.               style="display:none;">
  132.         <!-- fallback image here -->
  133.       </object>
  134.       <a href="#" class="toggle_view"><img src="{{ asset('bundles/atlas/images/icn_flip_right.png') }}"
  135.                                            alt="Ansicht drehen" border="0"/></a>
  136.     </div>
  137.   </div>
  138.   <div class="clear"></div>
  139. {% endblock %}